
Scanner Academy

Study in virtual classrooms

thumbnail Welcome to our software it is a e-Learning software. It can be used through web browser with the help of LAN or Internet as per choice. Initially, it has been launched with CPT course but other courses can also be installed as per requirement.Through this software an institute can enroll unlimited number of students. This software can also be used by students all over the world through Internet facility. Only those students who are provided with user name and password by the institute would be able to deal with this software. Information can also be communicated. Students can study the material online. After reading a particular topic test paper shall appear which has to be completed within allotted time. After finishing the test, scores and status shall be apparent. In this way student shall be able to measure his performance. They can also give their feedbacks.

Import Admin Data...
Note:- 1. Please copy CenterDataPackage_...... folder which provided by TSA Admin and paste on your application follder(CenterDataPackage).
2. Rename Pasted folder as 'CenterData'.
3. Please insure that all clients and application are stoped before importing data.
4. First Click on 'Check Avaliability of CenterDataPackage' Button if Package is avaliable and have data then a message prompt to you for Package avliability and 'Import' button enables for you.
5. Click on 'Import Button' if the data import successfully them a message prompt for successfully import data close the application and delete the folder which paste you in first step . Open TSA Application in explorer and login as center use userid and password which is provide by TSA.
6. If click on 'Import Button' prompt error message or any unconvinent contact TSA admin any time.